Do Roaches Cause Damage to Your House? – Understand Some Key Facts

It is believed that cockroaches cause several issues in the house, which can ruin your night’s sleep. They are unpleasant to see roaming around here and there. However, it is important to learn more about what kind of destruction they cause so that you can take the necessary steps at the right time. They are known to be the most adaptable species on this planet. That’s why, they can exist anywhere around you. You might have observed that they can be found in dark, moist, warm areas including the basement.

How do they live?

These pests can survive anywhere without water for about a month.  However, without food, they can live up to 2-3 months easily. It is not necessary that they eat only grains, fruits, or any perishable. They can also feed themselves with leather, dried skin, and starch from paper, hair and glue. Therefore, they can be seen anywhere and if not controlled, they can be numerous in number.

Do they cause health problems?

Whenever we think about cockroaches, we just know that they are great carriers of several health complications because they carry germs and bacteria. They can spread serious contaminations by adding their own bacteria to the food, sinks, plates, and even the microwave. These infections can cause serious digestive illness in the human body. Their shredded skin and droppings can cause respiratory issues such as asthma in human beings. That’s how they can be the biggest threat to all human bodies.

Damage to the property

While termites are known to eat your costly furniture and wooden items, these cockroaches may not cause such destruction. However, they consume organic fabrics, adhesives and paper starch. Unless you have to deal with their infestations, they cannot damage your property to a great extent as they cannot cause substantial damage to your property like other animals or pests. However, if they are large in number, you must take the right steps quickly.

If they are more in number, they can do property damage as they eat the adhesive, which has been used in building the house. They do not eat wood just like termites do. That’s why, it is important to control their infestations because it is not easy to control them. There may be some DIY methods to remove them but if you may see them more than a few times, it is a good idea to call a pest control company. 

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